In general society thinks, Knowledge industry workers job is best. They are earning and enjoying so much. While I completely don't deny it but it has its own challenges. These guys face their own problems. With the sedentary lifestyle and excessive relying on their mind to deliver everyday they face tremendous stress. These guys carry their work everywhere and find it hard to relax. Although software industry might look very soft for outsiders but inside its real hard nut.
One needs to give some serious thought to stay competitive & sane in this industry over a sustained duration of time. There is no one single list for everyone. Everyone has to work out their own list of practical N items to do everyday. Following list is reminder to figure out one for yourself and give some ideas to get started.
Lets jump in to the list:
[1] Exercise 10 minutes
Exercise as simple as walk for 10 minutes in morning can keep you alert and positive for the full day. It clears up your mind. Its totally understandable that taking out 10 minutes in highly packed morning times could be a challenge. No, I am not going to ask you to get up early by 10 minutes. If you can afford buy a Treadmill and do your brushing of teeth on treadmill. It will make sure that your teeths are getting enough attention as well as your body.
[2] Yoga 10 minutes
One might ask why is yoga needed ? Exercise such as walk will not be able to provide benefit to all the parts of body. Yoga focuses on each each part of the body and allows you to focus on it. Especially this is important for all the joints of the body. With long drives, long hours of typing and stiff posture will make your feets, palm, neck and shoulders looking forward for some focused movements to relax them. There are good number of simple yoga techniques to relax these parts of body. Overload your morning tea session with the yoga. Along with sipping your favourite morning beverage do some simple yoga posture. A very simple yoga called PavanMuktasana can be incorporated as everyday lifestyle.
[3] Prayers 10 minutes
We all know if anything needs to be run well there needs to some active person managing it. So assuming that this complicated world is running all by itself is biggest lie we can tell ourselves. We need to understand we cannot control everything. We believe it or not there is higher level being running this world. More we connect with that higher level power the more harmony we can experience in our life. It will take off the loads in all areas where you cannot absolutely do anything. So pray to whatever form you believe in for 10 minutes everyday. It will eventually connect you to yourself.
[4] Inspire 10 minutes
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
- Zig Ziglar.
So to keep your morale up do something inspiring everyday or if you cannot, read something inspirational. With the growth in social media its very easy to find the type of content that inspires you daily. Use them wisely. Use the mediums like Twitter and Linkedin well. Follow some right set of people to keep finding something inspirational. Don't just stop at finding the insight, share it with others as well. It extends the joy and allows you also do more firmer commitment to apply and try those insights in your own life as well. Improve together.
[5] Reflect 10 minutes
This is tough one. Its most important. Start off with very simple way of just reliving the day by just recalling all the things that you could remember at the end of the day. Slowly you will start identifying what thoughts need more focus and what to filter. Slowly you will able to connect these to your longer term goals and see if you are going towards achieving them. Its difficult to control the mind from just wandering away. Its practice. The more you practice the more you will be able to do it well and benefit.
One more...
[6] Reality 10 minutes
Being part of knowledge industry good part of our day, we stay in virtual world created by our mind. Even most of the work we produce gets confined in some form thats not clearly visible. A civil engineer can showcase the building he has been working on but for many software engineers they cannot directly showcase what they are working on. This sometimes can lead to self doubts about the skills we possess and what we can produce. Periodically engage in something physical and concrete. Do some regular errands very consciously well or pursue some hobby that produces results that can be easily perceived. Get in touch with reality periodically, come out of your virtual world. Stop and smell the roses.
I call this sum of 60 minutes a "Golden hour". I hope that this inspires you to think about your golden hour to stay sane. I wish you that you find what you are looking for. Do share your thoughts and lists.
One needs to give some serious thought to stay competitive & sane in this industry over a sustained duration of time. There is no one single list for everyone. Everyone has to work out their own list of practical N items to do everyday. Following list is reminder to figure out one for yourself and give some ideas to get started.
Lets jump in to the list:
[1] Exercise 10 minutes
Exercise as simple as walk for 10 minutes in morning can keep you alert and positive for the full day. It clears up your mind. Its totally understandable that taking out 10 minutes in highly packed morning times could be a challenge. No, I am not going to ask you to get up early by 10 minutes. If you can afford buy a Treadmill and do your brushing of teeth on treadmill. It will make sure that your teeths are getting enough attention as well as your body.
[2] Yoga 10 minutes
One might ask why is yoga needed ? Exercise such as walk will not be able to provide benefit to all the parts of body. Yoga focuses on each each part of the body and allows you to focus on it. Especially this is important for all the joints of the body. With long drives, long hours of typing and stiff posture will make your feets, palm, neck and shoulders looking forward for some focused movements to relax them. There are good number of simple yoga techniques to relax these parts of body. Overload your morning tea session with the yoga. Along with sipping your favourite morning beverage do some simple yoga posture. A very simple yoga called PavanMuktasana can be incorporated as everyday lifestyle.
[3] Prayers 10 minutes
We all know if anything needs to be run well there needs to some active person managing it. So assuming that this complicated world is running all by itself is biggest lie we can tell ourselves. We need to understand we cannot control everything. We believe it or not there is higher level being running this world. More we connect with that higher level power the more harmony we can experience in our life. It will take off the loads in all areas where you cannot absolutely do anything. So pray to whatever form you believe in for 10 minutes everyday. It will eventually connect you to yourself.
[4] Inspire 10 minutes
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
- Zig Ziglar.
So to keep your morale up do something inspiring everyday or if you cannot, read something inspirational. With the growth in social media its very easy to find the type of content that inspires you daily. Use them wisely. Use the mediums like Twitter and Linkedin well. Follow some right set of people to keep finding something inspirational. Don't just stop at finding the insight, share it with others as well. It extends the joy and allows you also do more firmer commitment to apply and try those insights in your own life as well. Improve together.
[5] Reflect 10 minutes
This is tough one. Its most important. Start off with very simple way of just reliving the day by just recalling all the things that you could remember at the end of the day. Slowly you will start identifying what thoughts need more focus and what to filter. Slowly you will able to connect these to your longer term goals and see if you are going towards achieving them. Its difficult to control the mind from just wandering away. Its practice. The more you practice the more you will be able to do it well and benefit.
One more...
[6] Reality 10 minutes
Being part of knowledge industry good part of our day, we stay in virtual world created by our mind. Even most of the work we produce gets confined in some form thats not clearly visible. A civil engineer can showcase the building he has been working on but for many software engineers they cannot directly showcase what they are working on. This sometimes can lead to self doubts about the skills we possess and what we can produce. Periodically engage in something physical and concrete. Do some regular errands very consciously well or pursue some hobby that produces results that can be easily perceived. Get in touch with reality periodically, come out of your virtual world. Stop and smell the roses.
I call this sum of 60 minutes a "Golden hour". I hope that this inspires you to think about your golden hour to stay sane. I wish you that you find what you are looking for. Do share your thoughts and lists.