One of the most important things in life is finding out what
you love to do. All the greatest achievers have emphasized this fact of finding
what you love and finding what you are passionate about. Its the only way to do
some great work.
Lucky are the ones, who find it out much early in their life
what they loved to do. Many of us are not so lucky. Many get molded in to do
regular boring things in life. These are also the people who did not have
courage or conviction to explore and find out what they were passionate about.
The wind just carried them along.
That does not mean they were not good at what they did. With
hard work they achieve initial success in the area where wind has carried them
and they have built some status quo. This is a dangerous start. There on life
takes a disastrous path of maintaining that status quo. This path might provide
some level of worldly success but not an inner happiness and fulfillment. It
leads to a dead end where an eternal boredom sets in eventually. Mediocrity and
counting days to pay becomes routine. If you are stuck in such loop its time to
break that dark circle and come out.
What one needs to do
find out what is his or her passion?
Ones passion is in the deepest part of oneself covered with
several layers of delusions. All those delusions need to be burned away to let
the passion emerge. First step is getting ready to meet your passion. It
requires you to overcome the fear of failure. Courage to let go of status quo of
whatever that has been achieved. To let go of the baggage of so-called success
which is nothing but dead weight riding on your shoulders and tiring you down
every moment.
Key to realizing your passion is intensity.
Whatever you are doing, wherever you are doing, just start
doing it with very high intensity, Intensity of highest order possible. Its
only this intensity that has capacity to burn down the layers of delusions
hiding your passion from you.
This intensity will do two things, either produce positive
peaks or negative peaks. These resonance
peaks will guide you towards your passion.
Positive Resonance:
Peaks in results and achievements
There are some chances that what you are already doing or
part of what you are doing is what you are passionate about without even
knowing about it.
If you are not doing it with intensity then peak in results
will not show up. When you start doing it with the full intensity, it increases
the odds of peak in the results and achievements. This would be positive resonance
due to alignment to your natural talents. Thus leading to your achievements
recognized and encouraged leading to further growth. Thus taking you closer to
your destiny.
For example a person who has body cut out for swimming in
the field of armature swimming. When such person puts in the intensity in his
swimming area the results will start speaking very quickly.
Negative Resonance: Burnout and quitting
Now, what you are doing is not something you are passionate
about but somehow you are able to hold it up. You are able to produce some
mediocre results. This is leading to dilemma of whether it's something you
should pursue or quit.
Doing intensely something, which you are not good at or
dislike will lead to lot of friction and heat. If you can keep at it, in spite
of all the heat it will lead to you to totally burning out. This burn out will signal
clearly that you are not cut out for it. It will force you to quit what you are
doing. Failing fast is a good sign when you are on your journey to discovering
your passion. It will force you to move on and find something where you belong.
Even if one cannot quit, it will become at least clear that
this is not the path to passion. Thus instead of fooling oneself that things
will become clear in future, one can start planning to going towards the right
Danger of low
intensity: Regret
The biggest risk of low intensity at what you are doing is loss
of precious time and not going anywhere. The time that’s lost is never ever
going to come back. Often if one keeps at it, the delay can practically lead to
path of no return.
Low intensity is very dangerous. Neither it will lead to
positive resonance nor burn out forcing you to switch the path. Low intensity
at something you don’t like or good at will lead to slow erosion of your mojo. This
slow erosion will eventually lead to hollowness inside. This hollowness will
haunt you and take you to route of deep regrets.
So even if you don’t know what is it that you want or doubtful
of what you are doing, just keep one thing in mind. Do it with highest
intensity. Have faith it will produce peaks that will give visibility to guide
you in the right direction.
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